I am a third-year student eager to continue learning and growing my experience in the environmental sector. My goal is to find a career with opportunities to work outdoors and be apart of a dynamic and positive team. I am looking to utilize my communication skills in combination with cooperation to work towards problem-solving and task completion. I bring integrity, creativity, and maturity to every opportunity which sets me apart from competitors. My curious nature allows me to learn continuously and remain open to changing circumstances. My deep appreciation for the environment drives my passion for the protection and restoration of natural spaces. I approach every situation in life like an adventure, I am ready to jump in headfirst and work hard to enjoy the journey.


over the next 3 years, I am working to:
  • Complete my Wilderness First Aid certification
  • Participate and receive training in Canadian Ski Patrol or Search and Rescue
  • Secure a Co-op position in a field I am excited to pursue
  • Gain knowledge in hydrology, resource management, and ecology.
  • Increase volunteer and work hours in related fields and gain industry connections
  • Graduate with  a Bachelor of Arts, Geography major and specialization in Environmental Science
  • Complete GIS (geographic information systems) certification